Physical therapy and sports rehab for neck pain in Manhattan and Long Island City

Lynn ElHarake Review

A whole-body approach to physical therapy that will help you eliminate neck pain

Schedule a free phone consultation with one of physical therapist to see if what we do is the right fit for what you are experiencing

The benefits of physical therapy for neck pain

  • Pain relief

    We utilize manual therapy, kinesiotaping, functional mobility, and other advance methods to help you alleviate pain.

    Kettlebell mobility spine neck physical therapy
  • Joint health and mobility

    Our physical therapists will help you move optimally by improving your technique with cues specific to your body

    Posture spine neck mobility rehab
  • Increase strength and endurance

    Address neglected muscle groups and weaknesses so you improve your function with less compensation.

    Kettlebell spine neck rehab exercise
Samir Koliq Review

Specific neck conditions that we treat

Bulging disc
Cervical radiculopathy
Cervical herniated disc
Cervical arthritis
Cervicogenic headaches
Degenerative disc disease
Forward head posture
Neck muscle spasms and strains
Non-specific neck pain
Nerve compression and pinched nerve
Postural dysfunction
Post-surgical rehab
Spine stenosis
Whiplash injury
And more!

Physical therapy in state-of-the-art training facilities

  • Long Island City in Queens

    (Located inside Aneva)
    24-09 41st Ave
    Queens, NY 11101

  • SoHo in Downtown Manhattan

    (Located inside Soho Strength Lab)
    182 Mulberry St
    New York, NY 11101


  • We utilize a variety of techniques that are not limited to the following:

    Manual Therapy

    Manual Traction

    Joint Mobilization

    Soft Tissue Mobilization

    Myofascial Decompression

    Fascial Release Techniques

    Postural Exercises

    Corrective Exercise

    Exercise Therapy

    Strength and Conditioning

    Functional Mobility

    Customized Training Program

    Barbell Training

    Kettlebell Training

    And more!

  • Our approach to physical therapy is different because we look at the site of the symptoms as well as the surrounding areas and the rest of your body.

    Pain changes the way your body moves and if you never address the compensations then that can lead to overuse injuries, and other problems in the future.

    Our physical therapist will scan the whole body to see how it is all connected to your story and give you a plan to address it so you can experience long term relief.

  • Every single session that you have with your physical therapist is completely one-on-one.

    You do not get passed off to an assistant, a tech, or anyone else during the session.

  • We are an out-of-network provider so we do not take health insurance BUT we do provide superbills for people with out-of-network benefits and we do accept HSA/FSA.

  • Our team will always get on a call with you to make sure that you’re the right fit for what we do.

    You can schedule a free discovery call with one of our physical therapist using this link.